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Saturday 26 July 2014

Geliga Lipan Collection - Koleksi Geliga Lipan (Rings, Cincin)

Double Centipede Pearl Ring: $850 SGD (not 800 because blue and green is rare)
Silver Ring:$100
2 Geliga Lipan Cincin: $850 SGD
Cincin Perak:$100

3 of the rarest Coloured Centipede Pearl: (GREEN,BLUE,YELLOW)

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 Geliga Lipan yang berwarna-warni adalah yang paling susah untuk didapat. Yang paling senang dijumpa adalah merah tetapi merah kadang-kadang mempunyai kuasa kuat.

Coloured Geliga Lipans are hard to obtain and are rare unlike the red ones. However sometimes the red are much stronger than the rest. 
Geliga Lipan/Centipede Pearl Ring: Red, Blue, Yellow (yellow sold out)

3 berwarna-warni geliga
Geliga Lipan / Cincin Geliga Lipan: Merah, Biru, Kuning (kuning habis)

3 GELIGA LIPAN Ring/Cincin
Total Price: $950 SGD 
 Silver Ring: $100 SGD
(Cincin Perak:$100) SGD
Description: GELIGA LIPAN
Read about Geliga Lipan/ Baca tentang Geliga Lipan:
GELIGA LIPAN [JACK OF ALL TRADES] Used for Betting and winning the Lottery. Click here to read how. Geliga Lipan, Digunakan untuk Pertaruhan dan memenangi Loteri. Klik di sini untuk membaca bagaimana.
Available StockGeliga Lipan Colours
Green: Preorder
Yellow: Available
Brown: Available
Opal: Preorder
Red: Available
Blue: Available
Warna-Warna Geliga Lipan 
Hijau: HABIS
Kuning: Terdapat
Coklat: Terdapat
Merah: Terdapat
Biru: Terdapat